138kV Transmission Overhead Project
Brownfield Substation Reconfiguration Project
Transmission 345/138kV Transformer Replacements
Lean Manufacturing & Engineering and Six Sigma Application Project
The 138kV Ring Bus Project
34kV Distribution Line Project
12kV recloser replacement and SCADA installations
Substation transformer design and manufacturing review
Major Equipment Replacement
Substation Rebuilt Project
Facility/Industrial Construction Project
The client determined it needed a new operations center in Danville, IL. The LUZCO project team assisted with project management, space planning, design, and construction period activities.
Renovation of a 69,000 SF Office/Warehouse on 7.6 acres in Danville, IL, for a regional Gas and Electric operating center, as well as Stores and Fleet Services. In addition, the team successfully assisted with the $4.9M property acquisition.