Jackie Duty, Collinsville Daily News, Collinsville, IL – Across the US, only 14 percent of all engineers are female. Only 28.3 percent account for Asian, Hispanic or Latino, Black or African American, American Indian, and Alaska Native. With a deficiency of minorities and women in science, technology, engineering and math, Luzco founder and CEO, Lusnail Haberberger saw an opportunity to establish a world-class engineering firm that cultivates an environment with a work-life balance and emboldens underrepresented minorities to enter the STEM field. LUZCO showcases a staff with 67% diversity.  This level of diversity proves that a collaboration of diverse ideas and acceptance breeds innovation.

LUZCO Technologies takes pride in engaging in open dialogue with employees as they listen and workshop how they can improve professionally and personally. With a unique relationship with their employees, they are thankful for clear communication and excellent performance. In recognition of their employee engagement, they know a company reaches its full potential and delivers the highest level of performance through employees that come to work with a positive feeling and attitude empowering them to reach a client’s success.

The company opened their doors in June 2017. When Latina CEO, Haberberger, was hired as a project manager for a large ring bus project, it created opportunity to increase the staff with a team of expert engineers and project managers. Because of their superior service and their agility to acquire experienced engineers and PM’s, they quickly diversified their capabilities. LUZCO now receives opportunities in project management and for many engineering services.

Today, LUZCO has grown from a staff of two to over 100 dedicated employees. With their headquarters based in St. Louis, MO and offices in Rochester, NY and Kansas City, KS, LUZCO aims to expand their business to new states across the country. LUZCO Technologies, LLC is a proud member of the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce because when Lusnail Haberberger, P.E., PMP, had a vision when starting LUZCO Technologies, an important part of this vision was “a dream of being a role model to young girls, especially of color, who seek engineering and leadership roles in the business of science, technology, engineering and math.” As a Latina immigrant there were several barriers, starting a business and growing in this industry, she had to overcome. Lus wants to share her experiences and advice with others and show them they can do it too! She wants to prove this by being an example and a mentor.  A few of their top directors are Christine Yount, Joyelle Gerner, Nandu Balachandran, Jason Rogers and Matt Hebner. They are an excellent team that strives daily for world-class status and are excited to see the future of LUZCO growing even more.

To read the full article online, go to: https://www.collinsvilledailynews.com/business/luzco-technologies-provides-world-class-boutique-engineering-services-and-solutions-as-a-top-rated-firm/article_31130a7e-ee69-11ed-8f4d-131511ef1b48.html